Official 2011 Chinese government submission discusses ‘weaponising specific viruses to target races’


Datum: 2-7-2021 YT

An official Chinese government document – submitted to the United Nation’s Biological Weapons Convention in 2011 – discusses “weaponising specific viruses to target races,” according to Sky News host Sharri Markson. “It is a shocking and grotesque area of bioresearch,” Ms Markson said. She said it was part of the warning which was included in the government’s formal submission to the United Nation’s Biological Weapons Convention in 2011.

Ms Markson said the documents show that the Chinese government took concerns about a potential lab leak extremely seriously. “So seriously they said a lab leak involving virus research could place the whole of mankind in great danger”. “China even says that biotechnology research means there are difficulties complying with the biological weapons convention”. “There is no evidence that COVID-19 was a biological weapon, nor that China has carried out a biological attack,” Ms Markson said. “The significance of this is that the Chinese government included a discussion about these threats in its official submission to the United Nations Biological Weapons Convention as relevant issues that could impact on compliance with the Convention moving forward”. “Nothing in this document is more significant than China' serious concerns about a laboratory accident and the threat that this could pose to mankind. “China and its cronies have repeatedly insisted over the past 19 months that the possibility of a lab leak in Wuhan is a conspiracy theory. This is a lie.” Ms Markson spoke to the former lead investigator who spearheaded a taskforce for the US government into the origins of COVID-19 – David Asher – about the developments.

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